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Antoine UEI/AVA, Manzanera et Thierry UEI/AVA, Bernard et Françoise, Prêteux et Bernard, Longuet (2002) nD skeletonization: a unified mathematical framework JEE. Journal of electronic engineering , 11 . pp. 25-37. ISSN 0385-4507

Buffa, A. et Ciarlet UMA, Patrick (2001) On traces for functional spaces related to Maxwell's equations. Part I: an integration by parts formula in Lipschitz polyhedra Mathematical methods in the applied sciences , 24 (1). pp. 9-30. ISSN 0170-4214

Buffa, A. et Ciarlet UMA, Patrick (2001) On traces for functional spaces related to Maxwell's Equation. Part II: Hodge Decompositions on the boundary of Lipchitz Polyhedra and Applications Mathematical methods in the applied sciences , 24 (1). pp. 31-48. ISSN 0170-4214

Chaigne, Antoine et Touzé, Cyril et Thomas, Olivier (2005) Nonlinear vibrations and chaos in gongs and cymbals Acoustical Science and Technology, 26 (5). pp. 403-409. ISSN 1346-3969

Rami UEI, M.a. et Ghaoui UEI, L.e. (1996) LMI optimization for nonstandard Riccati equations arising instochastic control IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 41 (11). pp. 1666-1671. ISSN 0018-9286

Touzé, Cyril et Chaigne, Antoine (2000) Lyapunov exponents from experimental time series. Application to cymbal vibrations Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 86 (3). pp. 557-567. ISSN 1610-1928

Conference or Workshop Item

Bernard UEI/AVA, Thierry et Manzanera UEI/AVA, Antoine et Prêteux, Françoise (2001) Markovian-based modeling on programmable retina In: Proceedings Conference on Controle Quality by Artificial Vision (QCAV'01), Mai 2001, Le Creusot, France.

Louchet UEI/AVA, Jean et Li, Jiang (1996) An Identification Tool to build Physical Models for Virtual Reality In: Proceedings of IWISP96, nov. 1996, Manchester, UK.

Louchet UEI/AVA, Jean et Provost INRIA, Xavier et Crochemore UEI/AVA, David (1995) Evolutionary identification of cloth animation models In: Computer Animation and Simulation ’95, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop, Sep. 95, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Manzanera UEI/AVA, Antoine (2002) Morphological segmentation on the programmable retina : towards mixed synchronous / asynchronous algorithms In: ISMM02, Sydney, Australie.

Mathurin, R. et Rottembourg UMA/OC, B. et Sion UMA/OC, P. (1998) Méthodes duales pour la résolution de problèmes d'affectation généralisée en suivi de cellules de pluie In: 4èmes Journées Nationales sur la Résolution Pratique de Problèmes NP-Complets, May 1998, École des Mines de Nantes.

Paillet, F. et Mercier, D. et Bernard UEI/AVA, Thierry et Senn, E. (1999) Low power issues in a digital programmable artificial retina In: Proceedings of the IEEE Alessandro Volta Memorial Workshop on Low-Power Design, 1999.


Gravier, Bernard (2008) Exploration et développement autonome dans le cadre de l'apprentissage par renforcement Project Report. non édité. (Unpublished)



Albert, Olivier (1998) Femtosecond nonlinear index variations: direct and cascaded effects Thesis, ENSTA.

Albert LOA, Felicie (2007) Rayonnement synchrotron base sur l'interaction laser-plasma en regime relativiste Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Alhammoud, Bahjat (2005) General circulation and meso-scale variability in the Eastern Mediterranean sea : numerical approach Thesis, ENSTA.

Andrieu, Laetitia (2004) Stochastic programming with probabilistic constraint Thesis, ?? institution/enpc ??.

Angeli ISIR, Mr Adrien (2008) Visual SLAM applications of loop-closure detection Thesis, ?? institution/paris6 ??.

Aouadi, Imed (2005) JPEG 2000 optimization on system on programmable chip Thesis, ENSTA.

Arcas Castillo Unité de Mécanique de l'ENSTA, Kevin (2009) Simulation numérique d'un réverbérateur à plaque Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Barate, M. Renaud (2008) Apprentissage de fonctions visuelles pour un robot mobile par programmation génétique Thesis, ?? institution/paris6 ??.

Baronian POEMS, Vahan (2009) Couplage des méthodes modale et éléments finis pour la diffraction des ondes élastiques guidées : Application au Contrôle Non Destructif Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Bastier, Arnaud (2006) Modelling of friction stir welding of aluminium alloys. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

BATAYNEH, Mr Ibrahim (2020) CFD Analysis of The ESFR Sub-Channel Thesis, ENSTA.

Ben amar, Chokri (2007) Theorical and numerical study of time reversal process. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Benmouhoub, Dr Riad (2007) Méthodologies de conception pour multiprocesseurs sur circuits logiques programmables Thesis, ENSTA.

Berriri, Kamel (2006) Approche analytique et numérique pour l'aéroacoustique en régime transitoire par le modèle de Galbrun Thesis, ENSTA.

Bettaibi, Islam (2005) Investigations of X-ray lasers pumped by fs laser pulses. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Bories, Serge (2006) Conception et analyse des performances d'antennes pour les communications ultra large bande Thesis, ENSTA.

Burrus, M. Nicolas (2008) Apprentissage a contrario et architecture efficace pour la détection d'évènements visuels significatifs Thesis, ENSTA.

Camier ENSTA-UME, Cédric (2009) Modélisation et étude numérique des vibrations non-linéaires de plaques circulaires minces imparfaites : application aux cymbales Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Canova LOA, M Lorenzo (2009) Generation and shaping of ultra-short, ultra-high contrast pulses for high repetition rate relativistic optics Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Cheema UEI-ENSTA, Dr. Muhammad Omer (2008) MPSoC Synthesis with Customized SIMD Instruction Set Extensions Thesis, ?? institution/paris11 ??.

Chtourou, Sofien (2007) Méthodologies de synthèse de réseaux de neurones pour applications de traitement de signal adaptatif et implémentation sur circuits reconfigurables dynamiquement Thesis, ENSTA.

Claeys, M. Xavier (2008) Asymptotics and numerical analysis for wave diffraction by thin wires Thesis, ENSTA.

COINTOT, M Jean-Hugues (2023) Résolution de problème de commande optimale par optimisation convexe Application aérospatiale et robotique Thesis, ENSTA.

Comte, François (2006) Fatigue design of the cylinder head : heat treatment modeling and new methods developpement. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

D'amico, Ciro (2007) Femtosecond filamentation in passive and amplifying transparent media, and study of filamentation as source of secondary radiation. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Derveaux, Grégoire (2002) Modélisation numérique de la guitare acoustique. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Diaz, Julien (2005) Analytical and Numerical Approach of Transmission Problems of Wave Propagation in Time Domain : application to Fluid-Structure Coupling and Perfectly Matched Layer Thesis, ENSTA.

DONAYAN, M. Stanislas (2024) Speciation and solubility of Tantalum Thesis, ENSTA.

Doppler, Delphine (2005) Stability and dynamics of submarine granular slopes Thesis, ENSTA.

Duclairoir, Eve-Marie (2007) Numerical simulation of acoustic propagation in a moving meduim. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Duruflé, Marc (2006) Intégration numérique et éléments finis d'ordre élevé appliqués aux équations de Maxwell en régime harmonique Thesis, ENSTA.

Ezziani, Abdelaâziz (2005) Mathematical and numerical modeling of wave propagation in viscoelastic and poroelastic Media Thesis, ENSTA.

Fabrice, Roy (2004) Analysis of the gravitational coupled collisionless Boltzmann-poisson equations and numerical simulations of the formation of self-gravitating systems Thesis, ENSTA.

Fauqueux, Sandrine (2003) Eléments finis mixtes spectraux et couches absorbantes parfaitement adaptées pour la propagation d’ondes élastiques en régime transitoire Thesis, ENSTA.

Flacco, M. A. (2008) Experimental Study of Proton Acceleration with Ultra-High Intensity, High Contrast Laser Beam Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Fliss, Sonia (2009) Analyse mathématique et numérique de problèmes de propagation des ondes dans des milieux périodiques infinis localement perturbés Thesis, ENSTA.

FRIKHI, M. Mohammed Karim (2024) Mémoire d'alternance Architecte système MBSE Thesis, ENSTA.

Fritzler, Sven (2003) Particules sources with high-intensity lasers: A tool for plasma diagnostics and an inovative source for applications. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Ghali, Khemaies (2005) System on programmable chip design methodology Thesis, ENSTA.

Ghannoum, Hassan (2006) Etude conjointe antenne/canal pour les communications Ultra Large Bande en présence du corps humain Thesis, ?? institution/enst ??.

Gies, Valentin (2005) Asynchronism in artificial retinas Thesis, ENSTA.

Gizolme, Marie (2007) New forniation of macrocyclic ureas. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Glijer, David (2006) Cooperative photo-induced effects: from photo-magnetism under continuous wavelength to ultrafast phenomena- study by optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Glinec, Yannick (2006) Propagation of an ultra-intense laser pulse in an under-dense plasma: Generaton of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams and development of applications. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Goddet LOA, Jean-Philippe (2009) Etude et développement de sources laser XUV par injection d’harmoniques d’ordre élevé Thesis, ENSTA.

Gresset, Nicolas (2004) New space-time coding techniques with bit-interleaved coded modulations Thesis, ?? institution/enst ??.

Grob, Pascal (2006) Méthodes numériques de couplage pour la vibroacoustique instationnaire : éléments finis spectraux d'ordre élevé et potentiels retardés Thesis, ENSTA.

Guemnie-tafo, Alain (2007) Proton beam generated by interaction of ultra short laser with solid target. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Haddar, Houssem (2000) Asymptotic models in ferromagnetism: thin layer approximations and homogenization Thesis, ?? institution/enpc ??.

Hadrot, Simon (2006) Methodological Developments in Hydrazone and Isocyanide Chemistry. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Hamed, Néjib (2006) Study of the kinetics of methane hydrate formation in drilling fluids using high pressure differential scanning calorimetry Thesis, ?? institution/ensmp ??.

Inchekel, Radia (2008) Development of an equation of state applied to water-alcohol-salt hydrocarbons electrolyte systems Thesis, ?? institution/ensmp ??.

Jamelot, Erell (2005) Continuous Galerkin methods for solving Maxwell equations. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Jullien, Aurélie (2006) Generation of ultra-intense and ultra-short laser pulses with high temporal contrast Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Kaddouri, Samir (2007) Calcul de champs électromagnétiques et de répartition de charges surfaciques dans des domaines quasi-singulier. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Kazamias-Moucan, Sophie (2003) Study and characterization of ultra-short pulses in the X-UV domain. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Kharrat, Mamdouh (2004) Study of formation and stability conditions of gas hydrates in drilling fluids Thesis, ?? institution/ensmp ??.

Kharrat, Mamdouh (2004) Study of Formation and Stability Conditions of Gas Hydrates in Drilling Fluids Thesis, ?? institution/ensmp ??.

Kielbasiewicz UMA, Nicolas (2009) Dynamique gravitationnelle multi-échelle : formation et évolution des systèmes auto-gravitants non isolés Thesis, ENSTA.

Laux LOA, Mr Sébastien (2009) Vers l'élaboration d'un matériau holographique de dimension centimétrique pour l'enregistrement de réseaux de phase en volume à pas variable (réseaux de Bragg chirpés) : Application à l'étirement d'impulsions laser ultra-courtes Thesis, ENSTA.

Legendre, Guillaume (2003) Acoustic radiation in a moving fluid: mathematical and numerical analysis of the Galbrun's equation Thesis, ENSTA.

Li UEI ENSTA, Mr. Xinyu (2009) Automatic Design Methodology for Large Scale Heterogeneous MPSoC Thesis, ?? institution/paris11 ??.

Loizeau UEI, Sylvain (2009) Conception et Optimisation d'antennes reconfigurables multifonctionnelles et ultra large bande Thesis, ?? institution/paris11 ??.

Loret, François (2004) Time-harmonic or resonant states decomposition for the simulation of the time-dependent solution of a sea-keeping problem Thesis, ENSTA.

Manclossi, Mauro (2006) Interaction laser plasma dans le régime relativiste : Application à la production de sources ultrabrèves de particules énergétiques. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Mechain, Grégoire (2005) Study of the filamentation process and its secondary emission. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

MESNARD, M. Jules-Yann (2024) Mémoire apprentissage MESNARD Jules-Yann - Dassault Systèmes - ENSTA Thesis, ENSTA.

Michaut, Valérie (2003) Comportement nucléophile des N-arylhydrazones: réaction de Mannich et applications. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Nottale, Matthieu (2008) Ancrage d'un lexique partagé entre robots autonomes dans un environnement non-contraint Thesis, ENSTA.

Oble, Julie (2007) New multicomponent reaction with phenols and isocyanides. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Perret, Gaële (2005) Study of cyclone-anticyclone asymmetry in large-scale wakes Thesis, ENSTA.

Planchon, Thomas (2003) Modeling of processes occurring during the amplification and the Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Quaegebeur, Nicolas (2007) Non linearities and influence of the material in sound restitution by an electrodynamic laudopeakes. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Rechatin Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée, Clément (2009) Accélération d'électrons dans l'interaction laser-plasma : développement et caractérisation d'un injecteur optique Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

REZVOY, Mme Elise (2024) Mémoire d'alternance, ingénieure méthode chez Totalernergies renouvelable France Thesis, ENSTA.

Richefeu, Julien (2006) Motion detection and analysis in digital retina-based vision systems Thesis, ENSTA.

Rodríguez Garcia, Jerónimo (2004) Space-time mesh refinement for elastodynamic equations Thesis, ENSTA.

Royer, Frédérique (2004) Towards total synthesis of paulitin Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Sadough, Seyed Mohammad Sajad (2008) Ultra wideband OFDM systems : channel estimation and improved detection accounting for estimation inaccuracies Thesis, ENSTA.

Sakkour, Bassem (2007) Decoding of Reed-Muller codes and applications to cryptography. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Salmon, Anna (2006) Développement d'une méthode prédictive de calcul des enthalpies de formation en phase solide de molécules organiques - Application aux matériaux énergétiques Thesis, ?? institution/ensmp ??.

Sidlof, Petr (2007) Fluid-structure interaction in human vocal folds Thesis, ENSTA.

Stoelinga, Christophe N.J. (2007) A psychomechanical study of rolling sounds Thesis, ENSTA.

Strugarek, Cyrille (2006) Variational approaches and other contributions in stochastic optimization Thesis, ?? institution/enpc ??.

Ta phuoc UOA, Kim (2002) Etude du rayonnement XUV produit lors de l'interaction relativiste entre un laser femtoseconde intense et un plasma d'hélium Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Taillandier, Vincent (2004) A4DVAR assimilation method for open boundary conditions control in a coastal circulation model: application to the Gulf of Lions Thesis, ENSTA.

Teinturier, Samuel (2008) Impact of the andes cordillera on the atmospheric circulation : local and global aspects. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Thomas, Olivier (2001) Analyse et modélisation de vibrations non-linéaires de milieux minces élastiques - Application aux instruments de percussion. Thesis, ?? institution/enst ??.

Trinh UME/LMS, M Ngoc Thuy (2008) Sur la modélisation du comportement thermomécanique et métallurgique des aciers. Application au procédé de soudage et de traitements thermiques Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Vedrenne, Emeline (2006) Towards the total synthesis of Paulitin - New insights into metathesis reactions. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Vieu, Emilie (2007) New radical post-condensations associated with the Ugi reaction Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

Wang UEI , Dr. Zhoukun (2009) Design and Multi-Technology Multi-objective Comparative Analysis of Families of MPSOC Thesis, ENSTA.

Zaki, Wael (2006) A unified thermomechanical model for shape memory materials. Application to cyclic loading and fatigue. Thesis, ?? institution/ep ??.

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